At FIPO, we are not only dedicated to the business field; we also care about the culture, the community and the territory that surrounds us.. Como parte de nuestro compromiso con el desarrollo local, hemos decidido patrocinar el proyecto conmemorativo del 150º aniversario del Ateneu de Sant Just, nuestro municipio. Esta iniciativa, que celebra la influencia cultural del Ateneu en la comunidad, incluye dos conciertos very special events taking place in November this year:
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The Ateneu de Sant Just has been, since its origins, a beacon of culture and social participation. This year, the commemoration takes on an even deeper meaning by paying tribute to the figure of Anselm Clavé, considered the father of choral singing in Catalan. His legacy lives on today, thanks to the choirs that he himself founded with the aim of bringing music to the popular classes. En este sentido, el Ateneu ha imaginado cómo sería la influencia de Clavé en la actualidad, adaptando piezas musicales emblemáticas de la cultura catalana moderna al formato coral, incluyendo artistas tan representativos como Sau, Txarango y The Tyets.
FIPO joins this cultural celebration as one of the key sponsors, contributing to the realization of these two concerts, scheduled for 23 and 24 November. For us, This support is not only a financial contribution, but a way of reaffirming our commitment to the municipality and to the preservation and promotion of our culture.
A unique repertoire of music
The programme of these concerts is the result of an impressive creative work. Local choirs such as Cor Lo Pom de Flors, Orfeó Enric Morera and CorAggio They will be responsible for bringing to life a unique repertoire that combines choral tradition with modern Catalan music. This tribute to Clavé not only acknowledges his historical impact, but also explores how his vision continues to evolve and resonate today.
The creation of this project has been possible thanks to the help of the Generalitat of Catalonia, within the framework of the commemoration of “AnyClavé”. However, the additional sponsorship of companies such as FIPO, together with contributions from citizens through a Verkami campaign, has been essential to cover production costs and make this event a reality.
FIPO and the commitment to Sant Just
At FIPO, we understand that our local roots are a fundamental part of our identity. Sponsoring these concerts is not only a way to give visibility to a cultural project; it is also a way to give back to the community part of what it has given us. Culture is a fundamental pillar for the development of a society, and we firmly believe that by supporting events like this, We contribute to the well-being and cohesion of the territory.
In November, the Ateneu de Sant Just will be the setting for two memorable evenings, where choral music will merge with Catalan popular culture. At FIPO, we are proud to be part of this celebration and to contribute to ensuring that Anselm Clavé’s legacy continues to live on, not only on stage, but also in the hearts of those who enjoy music and singing.
With this small contribution, we reaffirm our commitment to culture, the territory and our community. We are convinced that, together, We can continue to build a future in which culture continues to be a driving force of change and social development.
These types of collaborations are essential for us at FIPO, because we believe that business success goes hand in hand with the development and promotion of the local environment. We will continue to support projects that, like this one, enrich the cultural and social fabric of our beloved municipality of Sant Just.