How is the sheet metal bending process?

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The sheet metal folding is one of the most widely used processes in industrial manufacturing to transform metal parts into various useful shapes. This procedure is fundamental in industries such as automotiveconstruction, and the appliance manufacturing since it allows the creation of structural and decorative components with great precision. Today, with Fiposa, we will explain what this process involves, the steps that are followed, and the most common types of folds that can be made with sheet metal.

What is sheet metal folding?

Sheet metal folding is a deformation process that consists of bending a metal sheet (known as sheet metal) by applying a force, generally through a folding press. This process transforms the flat sheet into a folded sheet at a desired angle, without fracturing the material or compromising its structural integrity. Folding allows the creation of complex parts, such as profiles, panels, boxes, and specific components for various applications. To achieve precise and uniform folding, it is essential to control aspects such as pressure force, the folding angle, and the material characteristics.

What are the steps in this process?

The sheet metal folding process requires both specialized machinery and advanced technical skills. Below, we explain the main stages:

  1. Material selection: The appropriate sheet metal is selected according to the metal’s properties and the final use of the part. Common materials include steel, aluminum, and copper, each with a different behavior during folding.
  2. Design and preparation: The shape and dimensions are defined, calculating the angles and considering factors such as “elastic recovery”, which affects how the material rebounds after folding.
  3. Machine setup: The folding press is adjusted, consisting of a punch and a die, according to the type of fold, sheet thickness, and required angle. Incorrect setup can cause defects.
  4. Folding process: The punch of the press deforms the sheet according to the design, performing sequential folds if necessary. Quality is monitored to meet the specifications.
  5. Adjustments and corrections: The final part is checked and adjustments are made to the angles if necessary to ensure it meets quality standards.

sheet metal foldingWhat types of folds exist?

There are several types of folds that can be applied depending on the design and final use of the part. Below, we mention some of the most common ones:

  • V-fold: This is the most common and basic type. It is made by pressing the sheet between a “V”-shaped punch and a die of the same profile, generating a predetermined angle. Depending on the punch depth, different angles can be obtained.
  • U-fold: Similar to the V-fold, but in this case, the sheet adopts a “U” shape when pressed between the punch and the die.
  • Edge fold: This type of fold involves bending the edges of the sheet upward or downward, generally to reinforce edges or join parts.
  • Box fold: This process is used to form pieces with square or rectangular shapes, such as boxes or drawers. It requires several consecutive folds at right angles.

Each type of fold is selected based on the desired geometry and the properties of the sheet metal. It is crucial to choose the right method to avoid structural or aesthetic failures in the final part.

Importance in the industry

Sheet metal folding is essential in multiple industrial sectors, as it allows the production of lightweightresistant and complex shapes that could not be obtained by other methods. Thanks to the precision offered by current technology, it is possible to mass-produce parts with high accuracy, ensuring optimal performance in applications as diverse as the construction of automobilesmetal structures, and electronic products. The sheet metal folding process is a technical procedure that combines designmaterial selection, and machinery precision. The different types of folds allow the creation of a wide variety of shapes and uses, making folded sheet metal a key component in many industries.

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